Friday 24 August 2012

ENFJ All the Way

Full description is found here:

Extravert (56%) iNtuitive (62%) iNtuitive Feeling (62%) Judging (44%)

That's me. It pretty much had everything correct on how I usually put others first, and am quick to go with my heart over my head. I am creative in many areas, and love being around other people. I have many dreams which I plan on making happen before the day I leave this life, whenever that may be. I am usually the friend and sometimes stranger that people trust their whole life story with. I may not believe in church, the bible,but I am spiritual in my own way. Though Judging is strangely one of my words listed up there, I do not judge those around me. I know that every person has a story and who am I to judge them for the way they act, dress, or express themselves. I was very amused when I saw the word chameleon on this picture, being that I used to own one and that they are my favorite reptiles! And yet, the do represent a side to me. Though I may come off as confident, I am actually very sensitive in my own skin at sometimes would love to be like a chameleon and just blend in with my background. But, because that is only the part of who I am which is not really WHO I am, it is something that is slowly dissolving into the love I am giving myself, which, as you may read, is not so easy for an ENFJ like me. 


  1. Hey cohort,
    So I see we share the same results! Haha! I too am an ENFJ. What are the odds of that. Same major, same classes, now same personality types! I feel the descriptions pretty much describe me, though in my own way, I guess. Nice response. See you in class.

  2. "Heart over my head." I love that. Yes, logic should be consistent all the time with us future educators but hey, we're human beings too and yes, sometimes our intuition and inner feelings proceed as better judgment over logic.
